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Becoming fluent in kindness


We always talk about how negative this world has become.  But what if we could stop talking about it and start doing something about it. Just how hate begins with a thought of negativity, the very genesis of kindness begins with a thought of positivity and is shared with the confidence that it could impact someone.

That it could shift the trajectory of someone’s day—or even better, someone’s life. 


Kindness can be shared and given away for free. Just as hate is learned, kindness can be learned. Kindness is the ultimate universal language. It can be dressed as a wave at someone as you walk past. Maybe it is remembering the name of the local barista down the street or getting big with your smile. Kindness is listening to a friend who might be in grief. We are always so touched when we see someone being kind and serving a need, that’s because it is rare. Kindness is rare, but if we could become fluent in kindness it could become the commonplace for hope and restoration to abide. 


Kindness will show something inside of you that makes you different from the rest of the world. Kindness is branded by the Holy Spirit as you daily press into the rhythms of His leading. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. Kindness is also a great influencer. When one person is kind to another, it can become a domino effect where that person who was impacted is kind back. Kindness can be so contagious that once you catch you can’t be cured.



Holy Spirit, thank you for the gift of kindness. Forgive us for any thoughts of hate, critique, or pre-judgements. We know that these are not from You but are taught to us. We rebuke hate in the name of Jesus!! Father, just as hate is taught, our Teacher, teach us to be kind, give us eyes to see souls. Win souls for Your kingdom!! Holy Spirit, Author of kindness, mark us with the rareness of kindness that it may spread like a wildfire. Make us fluent in the language of kindness. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.